Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our Truck!

So I told you all about the sad and disappointing day we had with trying to find a truck last Friday. Well the next day we found another one. It looked really good and was only around $9,000. So we (or more correctly Ricky) called the dealership to find out more. The sad news, that truck was sold, the good news, they had another one that they thought we might like to look at. So we did and it was really nice, and due to the fact that they haven't been able to sell it for quite a while we got a really good deal, taking it from the $17,995 down to $12,995. What we got was a Dodge Ram 1500 with a 5.7 liter Hemi. And for those of you who are like me and don't speak car, we got a quad cab full size pickup that is bright red and can go really fast. And the best part is (besides having two vehicles) that they were able to find a lender who was willing to give us a loan, so we can start getting credit. Now the reason I haven't blogged about this till now is because we weren't sure if the bank had approved our loan until today. The dealers were pretty sure that we were doing to get approved so they let us have it since Saturday. It's been so nice. Anyways here are some pictures of the truck.
Ricky took them.
Here's the front
Here's the back.
He also took pictures of the interior, the engine, the logos, and the rims but I don't really want to add them on here cause I don't really enjoy looking a them so I'm not going to force any one else to either.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Randomness everyday!!! Well at least for today.

I feel like pure randomness today! And for the most part this post will follow as such, pure randomness, with a very little bit of structure and a few things that might make sense.

First of all I bought myself flowers! Aren't they pretty?
Me and Lexi! She's such a friendly puppy.
Lexi LOVES the snow!
We have sleeping missionaries!!! Isn't Sister Smith such a beautiful sleeper.
Sister Jones likes to hide. But I bet you can see her teddy bear!!!
And finally another view of the flowers I bought for me!
Now I suppose I should make some sense out of all of this. Starting with the flowers, cause they are the first and last pictures. Yesterday Ricky and I went to Wal-Mart and I saw the flowers and decided that I wanted something to make our house seem more happy and such and flowers seemed like a wonderful idea, and they were I can't help but smile every time I see them. I don't usually like pink but I think it's starting to grow on me is some ways, like for flowers. :)
Next is Me and Lexi and Lexi playing in the snow. So it snowed last night. And when Ricky took Lexi out she started to play in the snow and it was so funny and cute he had to take pictures. She likes to get her nose in the snow and fling it out and then chase after it. It's pretty entertaining to watch.
Next is the missionaries sleeping. They needed a place to stay this last week and so Ricky and I offered our house as a place to stay. Granted we don't have tons of room but they don't seem to mind to much. When I took the pictures of them I had gotten home from work and knew that they were here so I went up to go hang out while they were stuck inside and found them sleeping. That means perfect picture opportunities!
Finally another picture of my flowers. I didn't show all the flowers that were in the bouquet and I wanted to so I took another shot and thus the second picture of my flowers is born!
Now that I have completely exhausted my randomness and am pretty much just exhausted I think I'm going to go try to take a nap. Good night world. :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Stupid Credit

Today was a one of those days that were supposed to be amazing, but turned out to be really crappy. We got up and were just doing the basic shopping and enjoying our days off together, and while in town we got a call from the dodge dealer ship here in town cause we've been looking at buy a truck, and they had one that was in our price range. We test drove it, and it was really nice, and we wanted to get and even started trying to get it, but unfortunately for a complete lack of credit history we weren't approved for financing. I was really disappointed but as Ricky has been saying "if not this one there will always be another one to come along soon enough," or something like that. I don't usually listen because I'm sad that we aren't getting a truck. But I have noticed a trend and he's right of course one gets sold and another one comes on sale. Hopefully we will find one that we can afford and get approved on the loan.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This is Lexi
She is our new puppy! She is super cute and very friendly. We're not exactly sure what she is, we think she's a german shepard mix with something. We actually just got her today. A couple of our friends found her at the pound and took her in, but their situation wasn't working so they were trying to find someone to take her in so that she wouldn't have to go back to the pound. That's where we came in. We've been wanting a puppy since before christmas, and this just seemed right. If anyone on is curious she is great with kids too. She doesn't bite and barely barks. She's still getting used to us but I don't think that she's the type to act up.
Here are a few more pictures of her.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Presidents Day

Happy Presidents day to one and all. For those that had to work I feel for you cause I did too. For those that didn't, like my husband Ricky, well I don't like you cause I'm jealous, but I'm sure it was a well deserved break. I didn't do to much today because I had to get up early and go to work, but Ricky had a pretty good day of sleeping in. When he actually got up he went and played racquet ball with one of our friends David Arnold. He's a really good guy and Ricky really likes him. After they played a few good games, they went back to David's house and played flight simulator. Ricky's going to try and get his private flying license. That was around the time I got off work, came home and took a bath to relax. Eventually I got out, got ready and we went to town to go buy a printer scanner that we've been needing for a while. After that we went to the Abilene Indoor Gun Range because David is going to get a gun and he's got Ricky wanting one too, so of course we had to go look and see what they had and compare. Well they did anyways, I was just along for the ride. After that we all (meaning me, Ricky, David, and his wife, Raquel) came back to our house and had pizza and watched a movie. It was a lot of fun. Over all this day was pretty good.

Here are some pictures I took after I remembered I had a camera to take them with.

These are the Arnold's. They are super cool just like me and Ricky. Well probably even cool, which is hard to do cause we are super cool.

Here's me and my sweetie! Don't we look happy. Well at least I do. I can't tell if Ricky was excited or grimacing in this one. Hopefully it was excited.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

It's Valentines Day! I love this day now cause I will never again have to call it for what it really is, which is Single Awareness Day, because I will never again be single. :) It's great. Sorry to anyone who may be single and reading this.
But Anyways it's been a really good day. Ricky and I weren't able to do anything yesterday because he had to work during the day and I had to work during the night, we saw each other for a little bit in the middle but that was about it, until I got home to find Ricky had gotten me a box of chocolates and some beautiful potted flowers. I wanted them to last. We decided not to open the chocolates until today, to make it seem more special.

These are the flowers. I just hope I can keep them alive.

This is Ricky after church opening my chocolates with a huge knife. I didn't think it was very safe, but that could just be me.

This is me in my super cute Valentines day dress. Well it's not really a Valentines day dress it's just the only pink thing I really own, so it could be.

So about today, church was hilarious. I brought Swedish fish for a snack to mainly keep me and Ricky tided over till we can get home and actually eat, and a bunch of the younger kids who sat around us found out I had them. It's was so adorable to see them come up to me and each say please in his or her own way. I had a hard time saying no, they were all just to cute.
After church today the Missionaries came over and gave us the Family Mission plan. It's just to sort of help us be more Christlike and more of a missionary to those around us. I'm a little nervous about it cause I'm shy but hopefully Ricky will be able to push me to do a little more and I will be able to be more like my father in this aspect.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A little bit of everything.

Wow, I really need to work on getting these posts out sooner then the weekend. I do have time, sometimes, but I guess I just choose to use for other activities, like what I did this week!
I made candles! I know I'm weird, but it's really easy and a lot of fun. Granted they don't really look very good but I really like them and I highly doubt that they will be going anywhere anytime soon.
Theses are they that was spoken about above. (trying saying that 5 times fast)
The short one looks really retarded but it was my first time trying the three layer thing and I didn't think to make all the layers the same size... Yeah I know, I'm dumb, but oh well.
Eventually I'm going to get it down and all those people who are close are going to get one, so learn to start liking them now. :)
Other fun news is that it snowed yesterday!!! I love the snow, and I had wanted to have fun in it, but I had to work all day. So instead of some fun pictures of me and Ricky playing in the snow, I just have a few pictures of the snow on the ground. But here they are anyways.
This is one I took right before I went to work. It was early and even though you can't see it, it's snowing a little.
This is one Ricky took. It was still snowing.
It kept heating up, then cooling down and snowing off and on all day. I think I would have enjoyed it if, once again, I hadn't been working. Oh well, I should be grateful that I have a job, which i am, I guess I just wish that I had to spend a little less time there and little more time with Ricky doing something fun, like playing in the snow.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another weekend

Hurray for weekends again! It seems to be the only time anything fun happens anymore. I had to work most of the week, and when I didn't work I had to clean the house, and do laundry. It was a long week. Ricky had a long week too. It was the second week that he had to do a wash. That's where he and bunch of other guys have to wash the airplanes here on base. It's no fun cause it can be over a 12 hour day and the soap is toxic and corrosive. He hates it all except for the three day weekend that it gives him, unfortunately it takes most of that weekend for him to recover. So that was how are week has been, the weekend was pretty good. We got both our state and federal taxes done Friday. By the way not easy to get state taxes done here in Texas, because they don't charge them. It's weird. But hurray for rebates!
Anyways more about the weekend. We were going to go bike riding this morning but the trails we were going to go on are closed cause they still have a lot of water on them from the rain that we've been having this week. It was a little disappointing but IHOP for breakfast helped make the pain go away. :) We didn't do much the rest of the until almost 5, when a bunch of friends decided that we should go play racquet ball. I not knowing how to play and being the only girl that showed up decided to go work out in the gym for a while. Eventually I did try out racquet ball and it was a lot of fun. I'm gonna have to come back and play it again.

Monday, February 1, 2010


So this weekend was fun. There was a car show going on at the Abilene Civic Center and Ricky is all about cars so we went on Saturday. I don't really know anything about cars. I'm finally able to know where to look to figure out the make and model of most vehicles, and that took me almost two years to get down. Ricky can do that by just seeing the headlights on most vehicles. He is amazing like that. I'm a little jealous. But anyways we went to the car show. Ricky was a little disappointed cause the car shows in Idaho were better, or so I'm told. This was my very first car show, so in honor of that, that's what all the pictures are from. I'm not too sure about most of them cause Ricky had the camera and unfortunately for me he's at work right now and can't help me tell you what they all are so please bare with me.

To be completely honest I have no idea what this is but Ricky liked it and I thought it looked cool.
Now if I remember right this is a Chevelle. Ricky wants to get one when he makes Staff Sergeant, which he should before his first enlistment is up.
This was a Monster Truck dedicated to the Military and if I remember right the police and fire department. It was really cool cause it had pictures of all of them all over the frame, and I mean all over.
This shows a little bit of just how it was painted all over. Just a little though, remember Ricky had the camera.
All I remember about this one was that it was a rare car cause it had the original Hemi motor, I think.
I remember nothing about this one except that it looked cool.
This is a Charger and the only reason I know that is because Ricky took a picture of the name of it. Ricky is a big fan of these cars.
There are more but I don't want to try rambling about cars that I know nothing about, well anymore then I already have.
For other exciting news from this weekend, we got ROCK BAND!!!! It's pretty much amazing. I'm getting pretty good at the drums. We've played it so much since we've got it that I have blisters.
More exciting news, our friend who was deployed just got back and now Ricky has a guy to go have "MAN TIME" with. He's happy and I'm happy. I'm not great at "MAN TIME" mainly cause I'm not even close to being a guy. Oh well. I have no qualms with that at all.