Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

It's Valentines Day! I love this day now cause I will never again have to call it for what it really is, which is Single Awareness Day, because I will never again be single. :) It's great. Sorry to anyone who may be single and reading this.
But Anyways it's been a really good day. Ricky and I weren't able to do anything yesterday because he had to work during the day and I had to work during the night, we saw each other for a little bit in the middle but that was about it, until I got home to find Ricky had gotten me a box of chocolates and some beautiful potted flowers. I wanted them to last. We decided not to open the chocolates until today, to make it seem more special.

These are the flowers. I just hope I can keep them alive.

This is Ricky after church opening my chocolates with a huge knife. I didn't think it was very safe, but that could just be me.

This is me in my super cute Valentines day dress. Well it's not really a Valentines day dress it's just the only pink thing I really own, so it could be.

So about today, church was hilarious. I brought Swedish fish for a snack to mainly keep me and Ricky tided over till we can get home and actually eat, and a bunch of the younger kids who sat around us found out I had them. It's was so adorable to see them come up to me and each say please in his or her own way. I had a hard time saying no, they were all just to cute.
After church today the Missionaries came over and gave us the Family Mission plan. It's just to sort of help us be more Christlike and more of a missionary to those around us. I'm a little nervous about it cause I'm shy but hopefully Ricky will be able to push me to do a little more and I will be able to be more like my father in this aspect.


Ricky said...

Happy Valentines Day Sweety. I love you.

Jones Family said...

Hey audrey! How are you guys? We think about you guys a lot and hope all is well. Allen and I love reading your blog. I hope you don't mind, but I put a link to it on ours. Happy Valentine's Day!