Thursday, November 4, 2010

Deployment dilemma and new projects

So Ricky's computer died. Usually this wouldn't be a problem, but his charger is broken so he's unable to charge his computer. That means that we cant talk on skype till I get the new one to him. I wont be able to send it out till tomorrow so that means in about 2-3 weeks we can start talking regularly again. For now we're using our phones to communicate but that is going to get expensive. Other then that the deployment is going really well. I'm doing great. I've been super busy with work and friends and everything. I had a 12 hour shift yesterday (not something I want to do again anytime soon) and I've been out with friends most every day this week. Ricky is doing great. He's being his usual wonderful self and getting complimented for. He's fixing planes by himself and even helping other shops and feels so accomplished all the time. 
So in attempt to make sure most every minute of every day is filled I've taken on another project, with more to come but I'll be doing one at a time so that I might actually finish everything that I want to.
This is what I'm working on now.
I know it looks like a board with lines on it but eventually it's going to be an awesome decor for my house. I can't wait till it's done!

1 comment:

Lacey Woodward said...

Just keep in mind, this too shall pass. I'm not married to someone in the military but I deal with Blair having a crazy schedule that I hate. Keep yourself busy and time will start to fly on by.