Thursday, August 23, 2012

Playing Catchup Again

So, it's been quite a while since my last post and a lot of things have happened since then. I am going to take my time trying to get this all updated so that I have stuff to do during the days while Ricky is gone to work and I don't have anything to do (which happens more often then not right now). But first to get caught up to the big news. 
 I completely missed posting in July. Not much really happened for the beginning part of it. Well, that's not true. We went to New Mexico to Visit Ricky's brother for the 4th and nearly blew up the neighbor hood with fireworks. We got one of those huge boxes of fireworks and a few of them didn't go up into the air like they were supposed to. Instead they decided to aim at the neighbor's house, car, and kids. One of the big mortars popped the bottom of the tube out and didn't get more then a foot off the ground and when it went off it hit everything. Luckily it was rainy so no fires were started and no one was hurt.  
Then the next day Ricky and his bro flew off to Nevada to help their dad out of a bad situation. It was pretty expensive but needed to be done. I'm not gonna lie I'm still struggling with this situation because I can still feel the financial effects from it but I know that we did the right thing and because we are being faithful and paying our tithing we are being blessed in so many ways both in financial and spiritual ways. 
I am sorry no pictures for this post but we didn't remember to take any photos on the 4th. But don't worry not all of my catch up will be this way. 

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