Saturday, March 31, 2012

Traveling Home

So I came back to Texas this week. I was lucky enough to have my mom and Allen (her husband) drive me home. Even better was that we got to do some sight seeing along the way. First night we stopped and dropped off a suit to Daryl at the MTC (more about that in a latter post) and stayed the night in Provo. Then we went to Moab in Utah and toured Arches National park. It was very pretty. Definitely want to go back there, but to go camping and biking. 
The nature there was just cool looking! Like this dead log.
 The reason it's called Arches National park is because of all the arches in the sandstone. There are a lot but they are all so unique and beautiful.
 I loved all the different colors in the landscape.
 Can you see the heart?
 How about this one?
 I loved how the colors and light just played with this wall of rock. Amazing!
 This was my favorite arch. There's tons of sand and if we had more time I would have taken off my shoes and socks and played in it with all the kids.
We were able to make it to Cortez, Colorado and stayed the night there and the next morning went to Mesa Verde. That was cool to see and learn more about. I had heard a little bit about it but not enough to really understand what it was.
This is one of the 3-5 towns or structures built into the cliff side.
 They would dig pits and use them for spiritual rituals and they were also an everyday sort of room. That kind of confused me but it doesn't take too much to do that.
 I thought this was really cool. They had stations for grinding grain. 
 They built these things right up to the roof of the cave. It was just amazing to see all that they did.
 I enjoyed going there and seeing and learning alot, but the windy road up and down got to me so I'm not anxious to go back. Yeah I don't like getting car sick. That night we made it to Moriarty, New Mexico. The last day was just spent driving back to good old Abilene. I am glad to be home, but I really miss family. It was so great to be a part of their everyday lives again. Miss you guys!

Friday, March 30, 2012


So the last 2 weeks that I was in Idaho I made a couple of changes to my appearance. Can you tell what I did?
Here is the before. I know it's not the greatest picture but it was the best I could find so forgive me for not looking absolutely gorgeous all the time.
Here is the after.
There are 2 major differences and if anyone guesses that the pimples have moved, well first I'll cry a little (I'm working on them ok!?!) then I'll point out the bigger changes I have made.
1. I cut my hair. I was growing it out cause I wanted to give it to locks of love and well I had enough to donate, just they had to cut it shorter then I was originally planning.
2. I got my ears pierced. I'm 22 and up until last week I had never pierced my ears. And it was a big change for me. Most people wouldn't think so but I was giving up something that made me special and unique from everyone that had pierced ears. But I wanted a change and so tada! What do you think?

Saturday, March 24, 2012


 There was a freak snow storm this week. It reminded me of the snow storms in Texas cause the snow only lasted 1 day. I was still glad to see some snow! So was Riley, until he got out in it.
He and daddy made a snow man but it was windy and he didn't like the snow blowing onto his face.
Isn't that just the cutest sad face ever. Broke my heart and made me laugh at the same time. 

Anniversary Present

Mine and Ricky's anniversary was this last week. I really did miss spending it with him, but he surprised me with the most amazing gift!
This is my new camera lens! It goes from 55-200 magnification. I absolutely LOVE it! It's going to be amazing when we go to Germany but for now I get to use it to take photos of these adorable kiddos.
Morgan playing at the park chewing on a carrot, or wood chips, I'm not really sure.
 Riley going down the curly slide by himself.
 Abby trying to go play with her brother.
 McKinley climbing the slide.
Abby and Ella playing in the sand box.
 Nick and Hudson getting ready to race.
 Riley and Saylor going for a ride.
I have absolutely loved being able to hang around with these sweet kids! Wish I never had to leave.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Present for Mom-in-law

So this last Sunday was my mother-in-laws birthday. She's got a rustic cowboy feel to her house cause she and her husband are rustic cowboy/cowgirl. So this is what I made for her present.
I really like how it turned out. I just wish I had taken a better picture but I forgot and wrapped it up before I could. But she really liked it. Happy Birthday Tammi!

Birthday Present

So about 2 weeks ago my niece had a birthday. She turned 1. It took me a while but about a week later I was finally able to make her a present. She got this.
 It was so easy to make and she really liked it.
Doesn't she look so adorable in it? Even without any hair and being as small as she is. It was too cute watching her walk around with it on. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012


So while I've been home my desire to be crafty has gone up by like 100%. So I've been doing projects. The first two I've done so far are things I've found on pinterest. If you want a tutorial click here for the skirt and here for the cardigan. 
Please don't look at my face, I'm having a hard time keeping my acne at bay. But I have to say that I absolutely love this color combination. What do you think?

Look Out Ladies

So this last week my little brother left on his mission to Africa. I was lucky enough to be able to come home to Idaho and spend about two weeks with him. And can I just say I have a pretty amazing little brother. 
In two years ladies are going to be falling all over this guy.
 First of all he looks like me so amazing looks!
But besides his looks this boy can and loves to bake! He wants to open a bakery after college. He can sing, he is overall a great guy. He's all about service. My sister-in-law told me that when she first was married, she was sad that she wasn't getting any letters. So Daryl wrote a letter to her like he was a lady whose husband was in the military and wanted a pen pal. I mean how sweet is that! 
And he's like that all the time. So ladies if you want to get to know him before he gets back leave a comment requesting his address. Be warned when he gets back I highly doubt he will be single for long.