Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Last 3 Weeks

So I have been extremely busy (sort of) since I've been back here in Texas. I've had the joy of being available for babysitting for many friends since I'm not working and my husband is not home. So when my friend needed someone to stay with her 2 boys while she went to the hospital to have her 3 child, I was able to stay the night and get them off to school and to another family during the day (I had other babysitting jobs for another family already planned). And when another family wanted to go out of town for the weekend to celebrate a birthday I stayed with their 3 kids (even took them to church) so that they could go. Heck I even got up at 4:30 am so some friends could go fishing with out their kids. I'm honestly not complaining about any of this. It was all great. I love kids and all the ones I have watched have all been really good. But yeah that was one week the other has been spent reading about 12 books and making this.
I'm hoping it will help with my grocery budget and my indecision with what to make for dinner.
This week I caught a cold and haven't been doing much of anything. But now that I'm finally starting to feel better I'm hoping to get more stuff done, like clean the house and finish laundry.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

General Conference

I think I'm finally caught up on my posts! Yay! So this last weekend was General Conference. That's where the leaders of my church give talks that lead us and guide us and help us try to become better people. I really enjoyed it this year, partly because it was the first year that I was able to stay awake through all the sessions. (The spirit usually calms me so much that I fall asleep) I also heard a lot of things that I needed to hear and gained a few incites and desires, including a desire to be a better teacher to my Valiant Girls, kinder to those around me, less judging of others, a better understanding of my great worth and who I am, just to name a few. But I think the best part of conference was seeing my little brother sing in the Missionary Choir.
Not only did he get a major close up, but he got more air time then David Archuleta. I'm so very proud of this kid. I know that he will do great things!