Monday, July 8, 2013

Lego Land

Recently I got incentive to actually plan a trip! I know, right? Huge for me, but I really did it (with some help). I wanted to go to Lego Land for the 4th of July, but moved it to that saturday so that some of our friends could come with us! Everything is better with friends! We really enjoyed the day! 
Getting ready to go inside!
 We were all super excited!
 Getting to go on her very first ride!
 Ricky and my first ride of the day!
Ricky's 2nd ride!
 Face painting is awesome!
 2nd ride!
 The play grounds were awesome, and she didn't want to leave them!
 Camel riding!
 My turn!
 Ricky's turn!
 Thumps up for adventure!
 The aquarium!
I do wish there were more rides. Not that the legos were fun to look at, but it did make me miss Six Flags. I'm hoping that the other 2 parks around here will have more of that super awesome gut wrenching rides that I was hoping to experience. 
But even will the lack of rides it was a great day! I got a sweet Lego Batman Key chain! And Ricky got a lego batman set! (you can't go to lego land and not buy legos) Thank you, Guy and Alison and Evey for coming with us!

Fathers Day

Fathers Day wasn't nearly as big a deal as Mothers Day, but I did try to make it a little bit more special. I got Ricky a 3+ lb bag of Swedish Fish and made him a bow tie! 
Isn't he just so classy!
The tie turned out ok but Ricky didn't really like the colors.  :(  But he did say he would love a simple red bow tie! So as soon as I can afford the fabric I will be making him a new one!

Getting Out Of The House

Ricky and I are attempting to get out and do more. I mean we are in Europe! We should be doing more then hanging at home every weekend. I don't think we will be traveling every weekend but if we can find some inexpensive/free things to do we are going to start taking advantage of them! For instance, we recently went to a wildlife park not far from our home. It was nice to get out and walk around. The animals weren't very impressive but we did get to feed some deer!
Ricky feeding a Doe and her faun.
Ricky by the Buck (aren't they tiny?)
Me feeding the Buck.
 The biggest slug I've ever seen. It's kind of blurry, and he's kind of scrunched up, but still pretty cool!
 The most adorable baby boars I've ever seen. Ricky was laughing at me cause I couldn't get over just how cute they were!
I'm hoping to find more things for us to do soon!

Mother's Day

I know Mothers Day has come and gone but I wanted to share just how awesome my ward is. Instead of flowers or books, they gave us Ice Cream! 
Plus the Young Women did a fundraiser where they made gift bags with homemade truffles, sugar bath scrubs, and a flower and the Priesthood could sign their wives up to receive one and then make a donation to the Young Women's budget for girls camp. I thought both were great ideas!