Monday, January 23, 2012

Projects for Activity Days

So last week I started up the Activity Days program for the 8-11 year old girls in my ward. I'm in charge so I get to plan all the activities and try and get the girls to do it. The first activity was a sort of success. I forgot to for call back up and honestly wasn't planning on more then 4-5 girls showing up, but I prepared for 12. I'm glad I did cause 10 girls showed up. A little stressful but I made it through the evening with out yelling or going absolutely insane. We learned how to sew by hand and each girl got to sew a pocket onto a bag. After the pocket was on they got to decorate it however they wanted to. I even made some super cute flowers they could put on to make it more girly. I think they all turned out great! I didn't get any photos of the madness or the finished products but I did have some left over flowers that I took a photo of.
If you go here you can see where I got the idea and instructions on how to make them. I really like these flowers. I'm gonna try and find a way to use them in other projects!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Best Visiting Teachers Ever!

I just have to say that I have the Absolute BEST Visiting Teachers ever! Ricky left Monday for Afghanistan and today they surprised me with a visit and some much needed goodies!
Thank you guys so much!!!! I'll make good use of it all!

New Years Resolutions

So this I have resolved to remember and recognize my family's birthdays by getting them all presents! And by "getting" I mean mostly making them. Should keep me busy most of the year! Only one Birthday in January and that is Sarah Marie. She got a hair clip.
I hope she liked it!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years And Struggles

Well this past week has been a struggle. Ricky and I had a great New Years. We spent New Years Eve with friends. It was a lot of fun. Then after church we went and spent New Years Day with Ricky's brother Tony. Forgot the camera so no photos. After all the excitement is when things started going wrong. I've been struggling with controlling my emotions so after talking to my doctor I'm now on birth control to help regulate my hormones. Then Wednesday Ricky got his orders taken away from him because he's deploying. He had to fight all day Wednesday and most of today to get them back, but he did. So we are still going to Germany, just later. So lots still going on here, not all good but such is life.

My Birthday

Well, my birthday this year was very disappointing, partly because Ricky had to work a 12 hour shift, partly because most of the people I know didn't remember it was my birthday. Even my mother forgot, and when I called to get every ones birthdays she didn't remember. I'm not gonna lie I cried a little and was very sad most of the day. Things got better when Ricky got off work. I baked my own cake but Ricky decorated it for me. 
Ricky decorating my cake with his awesome skills.  :)
 I turned 22 but we only had one 2 and no matches or other candles so I just blew out the 2 twice.
 Me eating my cake and ice cream.
Thank you Ricky for making my b-day a little better!

Christmas Day

Christmas day came early for me. I got up and made chocolate chip pancakes (one of Ricky and my traditions). And then got ready for church. It was only an hour long Sacrament meeting but it was great to hear from the Primary president, the Young Women's president, and the Young Men's president. They all gave wonderful talks about what Christmas means to them. There was some very beautiful musical numbers as well. A great meeting. Back at home we changed and started opening presents!
David opening presents with help from mom.
Lisa taking photos of all the excitement.
 Tony opening up a shirt from Ray and Lisa.
 Me reopening presents from my mom and Alan. (We were too poor to get a whole lot of new stuff so we re-wrapped stuff we got from our trip home)
 Ray watching the madness happening.
 Ricky opening a shirt from Ray and Lisa.
 The excitement from where I was sitting.
 Ricky opening up a present from me. It was supposed to be a surprise but he kind of ruined it by finding it before I could get it wrapped and hid properly.
 Even Chester got a present. It didn't last long.
 We gave everyone jars of hot fudge sauce. We spent the rest of the day hanging out and just enjoying being lazy eating leftovers from the night before. All in all it was a great Christmas.

Christmas Eve

When Ricky and I got home from Idaho we started getting ready for Christmas. We got a real Christmas tree, made cookies and built a gingerbread house.
Christmas Eve was very busy. For me it was spent in the kitchen making dinner and sweets. Ricky cooked the turkey and I had help with the rolls but everything else was because of me (not that I'm bragging or anything). We had a great meal with Ricky's dad, step mom, brother and his girlfriend and her son, David. It was great having family over.
Ricky cooked the best turkey I've ever had and overall it was a great meal. So glad that we were able to have family come over. 
After dinner David got to open one present.
And then Tony had to get it out of the packaging so that he could play with it before bed. It took about 30 minutes before it was free but David sure did enjoy that toy once it was out. For the rest of the night we all watched a Charlie Brown Christmas talked a little bit and then went to bed so that Santa could visit us.