Monday, November 5, 2012

Say Hello to Fred

Dear Family, Friends, and anyone who reads my blog, I'd like to introduce you to Fred.
 Yes, Fred is a car, well wagon. 
Fred is short for Manfred Von Richthofen aka the Red Baron. We got him about 3 weeks ago in Frankfurt for 1720 Euro about 2300 dollars. He's a standard diesel wagon, with a radio that doesn't like to be turned down (there's a loose or broken wire in there that makes the volume nob not work the way it's supposed to, or at all sometimes). Frankly I think he's amazing, even with his radio problems. Mainly because he's very easy to drive and cause he gets close to 40 MPG. I mean we got him 3 weeks ago, filled up once in Frankfurt, and have been driving him regularly and he's barely under 1/2 tank. (Ricky's car Eve has had to be filled up twice since that trip) How awesome is that! He makes me like wagons, and I've had a hatred of wagons ever since I was a little kid stuck in the very back of our stupid wagon in those ridiculous backwards facing seats. I hated it. But Fred has changed me. If they had diesel wagons in the states I would totally get one.

We Got Our Stuff

So this is a little late but our stuff arrived! 
 It's funny how everything you own doesn't seem like so much in some boxes but once you unpack it all, it seems to multiply by 20.
It took about a week to get it all unpacked from the boxes, but I'm still working on finding places for it all. Hopefully I'll get everything put away eventually... :)