Friday, October 8, 2010

Crazy, Crazy, Crazy!!!!

So life keeps getting crazier and crazier... 
You know how my car battery died a few weeks ago, well this last week or so the battery to Ricky's truck died. So we had the joy of trying to find a vehicle big enough to be able to start it. But we were able to get a new one and the truck is "running like a champ" as Ricky says.
 Our destructive dog just got to be too much so we had to get rid of her.
This is the corner that she dug out so that she could get to 2 of our neighbors yard.
This is the 2nd whole she dug when we blocked off the first whole.
This is the corner that she and the neighbor dogs have been chewing on to get to each other.
This is the other fence that she's been tearing the wood off to try to get to the neighbor's yard. 
So we got rid of her and got a new puppy. One that gets tired after playing for 20 minutes. 
We got a Great Dane!
His name is Chester.
I know your all jealous cause he is super cute and lots of fun. 
I also got a hair cut.
 What do y'all think? 
So I now know when Ricky is leaving, but that is classified information, so I can't tell you till after he's gone for safety reasons, and if I do I'd have to kill you. But the reason I'm telling you this is because I decided I needed a few more pictures of us together before he goes. So we got creative and went out and took some pictures of us!
 This is us in our back yard, you can see Chester trying to play with us.
 These next few were at fort phantom hill. We found it while we were getting lost trying to find the lake. It was really pretty there so we decided to get some pictures there.
 Ricky by the cannon.
 Us by a window in an old store house.
Us in the window on the other side. It was a cool window.
So y'all will have to tell us what you think of all of them. I would absolutely love some comments, especially if they are compliments.


The Oppies said...

I love the pictures of the two of you together. I know getting pics are important before they deploy. I'm sad for y'all, even though I know you'll do alright. Your other puppy definately need some hobbies, destruction. :-)

Halls Family said...

I love the pictures of you guys, they are great!! I totally want to go there and get our family pictures done! Do you have some free time where you could come out and help me take them!? BTW Chester is so cute!!

The Kent Family said...

Cute pictures! I love your haircut, Audrey! Good luck to both of you this month.

Leslie Stanfield said...

Umm wow, your old dog really did ruin your fence! On another note love Chester, and the place you took those pictures is so beautiful. I love it when you find little places like that.