Friday, October 26, 2012

Random Awesomeness of Germany

Germany is pretty awesome and the Germans are very different from what I expected. First of all there are no trucks (ok there are a few I've seen maybe 2-3 off base that might actually be owned by Germans), everyone owns wagons or hatchbacks. And what's even crazier then that is that these small cars are used to pull trailers. Huge trailers! Don't believe me? See for yourself.
I guess this is just a regular car but I mean how crazy is it seeing a car pulling a trailer like that?!?
Other German awesomeness is this guy!
I went on a tour provided by the base through a German grocery store and we met this guy in charge of the wine. As you all should know by now that my Husband is fascinated by mustaches and this has been the most epic of mustaches we've ever seen! It goes all the way back to his ears. Germans are awesome!

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