Monday, November 5, 2012

Say Hello to Fred

Dear Family, Friends, and anyone who reads my blog, I'd like to introduce you to Fred.
 Yes, Fred is a car, well wagon. 
Fred is short for Manfred Von Richthofen aka the Red Baron. We got him about 3 weeks ago in Frankfurt for 1720 Euro about 2300 dollars. He's a standard diesel wagon, with a radio that doesn't like to be turned down (there's a loose or broken wire in there that makes the volume nob not work the way it's supposed to, or at all sometimes). Frankly I think he's amazing, even with his radio problems. Mainly because he's very easy to drive and cause he gets close to 40 MPG. I mean we got him 3 weeks ago, filled up once in Frankfurt, and have been driving him regularly and he's barely under 1/2 tank. (Ricky's car Eve has had to be filled up twice since that trip) How awesome is that! He makes me like wagons, and I've had a hatred of wagons ever since I was a little kid stuck in the very back of our stupid wagon in those ridiculous backwards facing seats. I hated it. But Fred has changed me. If they had diesel wagons in the states I would totally get one.

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