Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So as most everyone knows snow has come. A lot of it, and Abilene was not the exception. We got quite a bit, and it's actually stuck around for more then a day. Of course all the schools are closed, and a lot of the stores have been closing early as well. In fact I haven't had to work the last 2 days because of the weather. So you may ask yourselves, "Audrey, what did you do with yourself if you didn't work for two days and have pretty much been snowed in?" Well I'll tell you...
I cooked, more then I have for all of January. I tried to make tamales. They didn't turn out great but now I know that I can only improve on them from here on out.
But since the tamales didn't really turn out I had to make something that did, so I made mini banana bread loafs. Those did turn out really well. I ate two loafs that first day. 
I also tried to experiment with my muffin recipe and well those didn't turn out good at all. I also made pretzels. Those were delicious and are all gone. I would have gotten a picture, but I was to enjoying them too much and then they were gone. 
I've actually really enjoyed just spending my days at home, but today I was stir crazy and I needed a few things from town so I braved the weather and went to town. I don't ever remember driving on 2 inches of ice before now but I am glad that I was taught how to drive on ice, which is more then most of Abilene can say. I didn't get stuck and I wasn't ever scared of being out of control. Ricky, if only you could have seen me, I'm pretty sure you would be so proud. I drove like a pro! :) 

1 comment:

Natalee said...

I've always wanted to make tamales!! Awesome!