Sunday, November 21, 2010

Parvo, not fun

This last week has been crazy. I know I probably say that every time I blog, but they all seem to be so crazy, and hectic and stressful. This last week was especially so because Chester, my puppy, got the parvovirus. For those who don't know what that is, it is basically a flu virus that usually only affects young puppies and can really harm, or even kill them (usually from dehydration or secondary infection). Like only 20% of dogs actually make it through this disease. I had to call in to work and get the week off because I couldn't afford the $700 plus it would have taken to get Chester admitted into the vet's care. I barely had enough money to get his medications. Luckily I have some friends here on base that had just gone through this with their 3 puppies, so they were able to help me know what to do and actually gave me some supplies that I didn't get, that turned out to be the saving grace from me and Chester.

Chester at the vet. He was just starting to come down with parvo. 

This was what I got from the vet, well most of it is from the vet. the pepto I bought. This is what is left over, I had another syringe and some pedia lite that I had to inject into Chester in order to keep him hydrated. I wont go into more detail about that just know I had to do it every 1-2 hours throughout this week (and no I didn't get alot of sleep). 
 Chester from earlier this week. He actually doesn't look to bad. I didn't get any pictures of when He was really down, but just know that he looked 10 times worse then this.
 This was taken yesterday I think. He was finally starting to feel better, but I think you can see that he lost a lot of weight.
 Today, He's finally eating and drinking on his own! 
 You can kind of see just how skinny he looks now, but in all honesty he's not that bad. Now I just need to get some more fat on him.
 So this week with all the stress and time off I had, I decided to escape reality by reading the series that I bought earlier this year. I really liked theses books. So much so that I am actually finished with all of them. :)
 Finally, I just wanted to show off a bit and say that I got my Christmas/Birthday present early this year. I'm really excited to start using it. No more fuzzy pictures from my phone.

I am really glad to have made it through this last week, and still be sane! It was so stressful dealing with sick things, but I did get a small insight into how to deal with sick children. Surprisingly I still want kids.
Now I just have to make it through black Friday, and I'll be golden! Life should get alot less crazy after that. I hope...


The Kent Family said...

I'm so glad your little dog is okay. That is a scary virus!

Sara said...

Glad to hear that Chester is okay, the whole time I was reading I was thinking how much he is just like your giant hairy baby . . .no sleep, worrying, all the "stuff" . . .he is a super cutie too :)

The Seam Ripper said...

Yikes!!! Your poor puppy! You can tell in the more recent photos that he is feeling so much better! I'm so glad he's ok.

Also, I love C.S. Lewis. The Narnia books are my favorite. The Last Battle always makes me cry and the Horse and His Boy always make me happy!

Natalee said...

Sorry, that was me Natalee still signed in with my other blogger account! Oops!

Connie and Mike said...

I didn't realize you were in TX... Oh my! Hope the pup does ok...
I love your camera...
Nikon D80?

Connie and Mike said...
my blog and on my blog is my daughters, Holly Strong...
We do blog...
not daily...
but try for monthly or more ...
