Friday, June 20, 2014

Family Reunions

Back in March Ricky was able to take some leave and we were able to go back home together. It was the first time he was able to go back to the states in 2 years. It was a great trip! We were able to see almost all of both sides of the family, which was great! We were able to go to Disneyland in California with Ricky's Mom and Step-dad, all three brothers, and Grandma! That was a great trip! First time for several of us to go to Disneyland! We got to spend a lot of time at the beach, and Ricky even got to learn how to surf!
Ricky, Ken, Tony and their surfing instructor.
Family Photo at the resort we stayed at.
While we were in the states we really kind of splurged because shopping online isn't all it's cracked up to be. Ricky particularly loved going to auto hobby shops. All the tools and car parts… Let's just say we went to them more then I wanted to and way more then was necessary. 
He's sad that Germany doesn't have stores like this.
We also got together with my family and did a big family photo shoot so that we could surprise my mom with them for mothers day. Since Daryl was back from his mission we were able to get all of the kids and grandkids together for this first time in over 2 years. They turned out really great! 
Just the grownups.
All in all it was an amazing and very much needed trip!

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