Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Birthday

Well, my birthday this year was very disappointing, partly because Ricky had to work a 12 hour shift, partly because most of the people I know didn't remember it was my birthday. Even my mother forgot, and when I called to get every ones birthdays she didn't remember. I'm not gonna lie I cried a little and was very sad most of the day. Things got better when Ricky got off work. I baked my own cake but Ricky decorated it for me. 
Ricky decorating my cake with his awesome skills.  :)
 I turned 22 but we only had one 2 and no matches or other candles so I just blew out the 2 twice.
 Me eating my cake and ice cream.
Thank you Ricky for making my b-day a little better!


The Coleman Family said...

Birthdays are always kind of a bummer as you get older. I usually spend most of my birthday mad at my hubby because he either forgot or just slacked off and didn't put any effort into making it nice for me. (love him anyway though!)

Happy belated Birthday Audrey!!


Audrey said...

Thanks Tina!