Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Eve

When Ricky and I got home from Idaho we started getting ready for Christmas. We got a real Christmas tree, made cookies and built a gingerbread house.
Christmas Eve was very busy. For me it was spent in the kitchen making dinner and sweets. Ricky cooked the turkey and I had help with the rolls but everything else was because of me (not that I'm bragging or anything). We had a great meal with Ricky's dad, step mom, brother and his girlfriend and her son, David. It was great having family over.
Ricky cooked the best turkey I've ever had and overall it was a great meal. So glad that we were able to have family come over. 
After dinner David got to open one present.
And then Tony had to get it out of the packaging so that he could play with it before bed. It took about 30 minutes before it was free but David sure did enjoy that toy once it was out. For the rest of the night we all watched a Charlie Brown Christmas talked a little bit and then went to bed so that Santa could visit us. 


Stephanie said...

I love your gingerbread house! :) It looks like you had a great Christmas. Did everyone go to your house in Texas or was this in Idaho?

Audrey said...

Everyone came to Texas.

Stephanie said...

That's awesome that everyone was able to get together at the same time :)