Monday, June 11, 2012

The Not So Great Weekend

So adjusting to Ricky being home has been... not bad but difficult. Not that I miss being alone all the time, it's just weird going from nothing to having someone with me pretty much 24/7. Granted I think we're doing really well. Only argued 1 time. Unfortunately the timing of said argument was not good at all. Poor Ricky had to deal with me being upset over nothing, then when he was coming home from his 1st day back at work his car (the second love of his life) stopped working. It wouldn't move when in gear. To make matters worse the only rental car available was this...
If anyone know's Ricky, then you know he makes fun of these little dinky cars. He was so embarrassed to be seen in this thing. So knowing my husband and his profound love of good cars, I burst out laughing as soon as I saw this car, like almost falling on the ground I was laughing so hard. I did hug and comfort my grieving husband after that, so do think me completely heartless. He spent most of the weekend trying to make light the fact that he hated this car after driving his dream car. Luckily today we found out that the shop where our car is at can overnight the parts and it should be fixed by tomorrow and the dealer where we bought the car has offered to pay for the repair. So I guess the bad luck weekend has ended! 

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