Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Going Home Part 2

After the making it back to the states and sleeping in the airport (or at least trying to) things got a lot better traveling wise. The friend I was traveling with and her daughter were both able to get some much needed sleep. Our flights were early so we got home sooner, which when you're bouncing on the seats with excitement about finally getting home, is always a good thing. Our rides were both there before we got all of our luggage so no long waits in the airport. I made it back to Rupert before dinner. And stayed up all day! Granted I crashed around 8 pm and was up at 4, but such is the life of a jet lagged person. 
Everything worked out wonderfully, timing wise for all of my family (still located in the area) to get together that weekend. It was probably the best welcoming I could have asked for. And it helped me decide how I wanted to spend my time there. I decided to spend it with family first and foremost, and friends would be more of an after thought. And I'm happy with the results of that decision and have no regrets. 

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